Sauropus Androgynus
Description: Multivitamin Plant is an erect, perennial shrub. It grows up to 3 meters tall in humid, high temperature conditions. Sauropus Androgynus is also known as Sweet leaf bush, Star Gooseberry, Phak waan baan, Cekur manis, Katuk, Binahian and Dom nghob in Southeast Asian countries, where it is widely cultivated for traditional medical purposes.
Plant Care Guide:
Multivitamin Green Plant prefers bright, direct light, hot humid at the same time can’t tolerate low light and cold conditions. Water every 2-3 days, allowing the soil dry out between watering. Water often during summer and in brighter light.
- Watering Schedule: Every 2-3 days
- Humidity: Moderate
- Sunlight: daily 6 to 8 hours
Nutritional Facts: for 100 grams fresh leaves
- Protein – 7.4 g
- Carbohydrates – 54.5 g
- Fibre – 1.8 g
- Fat – 1.1 g
- Moisture – 69.9 g
- Iron(Fe) – 8.8 mg
- Zing(Zn) – 15.9 mg
- Manganese(Mn) – 664.9 mg
- Copper(Cu) – 768.7 mg
- Magnesium(Mg) – 664.9 mg
- Potassium(K) – 45.7 mg
- Phosphorus(P) – 543 mg
- Sauropus Androgynus is a medication for coughs, to soothe lungs, as a tonic to reduce fever, a natural slimming agent.
- It leaves used as an antidiabetic and roots are used to treat cardiovascular diseases and hypertension.
- Multivitamin Green Plant is widely used traditional medicine in Southeast Asian countries to treat ulcer, eye disease, and tonsillitis and breast mill production.
- Chakramuni is also used as colouring agent in food and fodder.
Warning: According to the several studies, the excessive consumption of Sauropus androgynus could cause drowsiness, constipation, and bronchiolitis obliterans and may lead to respiratory failure.
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